Homeshare is coming to North Wales

This winter, the third Homeshare service in Wales is starting, bringing people together for mutual benefit. Older people living alone will be matched with those seeking affordable accommodation in and around Gwynedd, Wales.

After the first two pilots were established in Swansea and Pembrokeshire, Homeshare UK were keen for the third and final pilot to be hosted in North Wales.

In Wales, 54% of people aged 60-74 and 49% of people 75+ years, said they felt lonely sometimes (ONS). In Gwynedd is a rural area where 28% of the population are over 65 years old and the pressure is increasing on care services. Many are looking for that little bit extra support and that’s what Homeshare will offer.

Lansiad Rhannu Cartref Gwynedd / Homeshare Gwynedd Launch

The Homeshare program in Gwynedd will be run by Cyngor Gwynedd; the local authority. Rhannu Cartref Gwynedd Homeshare will have an initial soft launch at the Gwynedd Older People’s Conference on Thursday 17th November. This will be followed by an online launch on Wednesday 11th January, which you can register to attend by following this link

Recruitment has taken place in Swansea and a coordinator has been appointed. Her name is Ruth Robinson and we are looking forward to welcoming her into the Homeshare UK network and working closely with her to make Shared Homes Swansea a success.

We are very excited to be launching the final pilot and to have all three Homeshare programs up and running.

Rhannu Cartref Abertawe – lansio rhaglen Rhannu Cartref gyntaf Cymru

Yn ystod y gwanwyn eleni, mae’r gwasanaeth Rhannu Cartref cyntaf yng Nghymru yn dechrau, gan godi gwên werth baru pobl hŷn sy’n byw ar eu pen eu hunain gyda’r rhai sy’n chwilio am lety fforddiadwy yn Abertawe a’r cyffiniau.

Daw’r newyddion wrth i wir hyd a lled unigrwydd yn y DU ddod i’r amlwg. Mae pobl hŷn yng Nghymru am fyw gartref yn hirach. Yng Nghymru, dywedodd 54% o bobl 60-74 oed a 49% o bobl 75+ oed, eu bod yn teimlo’n unig o bryd i’w gilydd (ONS).

Mae Homeshare UK a Rhannu Cartref Abertawe, sy’n rhan o Gyngor Gwasanaeth Gwirfoddol Abertawe, yn lansio’r rhaglen beilot gyntaf yng Nghymru i gynnig y cyfle i fwy o bobl fyw yn gymdeithasol a fforddiadwy, beth bynnag fo’u hoedran, gyda’r strwythurau cymorth priodol ar waith i’w wneud yn brofiad diogel a phleserus.

Mae Rhannu Cartref, yn gweithio drwy baru pobl gyda’i gilydd i gefnogi’r naill a’r llall; bydd person ag ystafell sbâr ac sy’n chwilio am gwmni a rhywfaint o gymorth ymarferol yn rhannu ei gartref gyda rhywun sy’n chwilio am lety fforddiadwy. Meddai Roxane Dacey o Gyngor Gwasanaeth Gwirfoddol Abertawe:

“Mae Rhannu Cartref yn ffordd o ddod â dau grŵp ynghyd i ddiwallu anghenion ei gilydd drwy ddefnyddio cryfderau ei gilydd, hyrwyddo cymunedau cryfach a chynnig cymorth i’w gilydd. Mae Rhannu Cartref Abertawe gyda chymorth gan Homeshare UK yn gobeithio gallu sefydlu 26 o barau rhannu cartref fel hyn yn y ddwy flynedd gyntaf.”

Meddai Dave Howes, Cyfarwyddwr Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol, Cyngor Gwynedd:

“Rydyn ni’n falch iawn o weld lansio rhaglen Rhannu Cartref Abertawe gyda’n partneriaid yng Nghyngor Gwasanaeth Gwirfoddol Abertawe. Mae annibyniaeth ymysg pobl hŷn mor bwysig i ansawdd bywyd pobl, ac mae’r prosiect hwn, a all leihau unigrwydd, yn darparu cymorth lefel isel er mwyn galluogi pobl i aros yn eu cartrefi eu hunain am hirach, a chynnig llety fforddiadwy, wedi’i amseru’n dda iawn ac mae croeso mawr iddo.”

Rhagor o wybodaeth ac ymholiadau

Shared Homes Swansea – first Homeshare programme launches in Wales

This spring, the first Homeshare service in Wales is starting, bringing cheer by matching older people living alone with those seeking affordable accommodation in and around Swansea, Wales.

The news comes as the true scale of loneliness in the UK is becoming understood. Older people in Wales want to stay living at home for longer. In Wales, 54% of people aged 60-74 and 49% of people 75+ years, said they felt lonely sometimes (ONS).

Homeshare UK and Shared Homes Swansea, part of Swansea Council for Voluntary Service, are launching the first Welsh pilot programme to offer more people the opportunity to live sociably and affordably whatever their age, with the right support structures in place to make it safe and enjoyable.

Homeshare works by matching people together for mutual support; a person who has a spare room and is looking for company and a bit of practical support, shares their home with someone looking for affordable accommodation. Roxane Dacey from SCVS says:

“Homeshare is a way of bringing the two groups together to solve each other’s needs by using their respective strengths, promoting stronger communities and providing mutual support. Shared Homes Swansea along with support from Homeshare UK aim to support 26 matches in the first 2 years.”

Dave Howes, Director of Social Services, Swansea Council said:

‘We’re delighted to see the Shared Homes Swansea programme launching through our partners SCVS. Independence in older age is so important to people’s quality of life, and this project, which can reduce loneliness, provide low level support to enable people to stay in their own homes for longer, and offer affordable accommodation, is very timely and welcome.”

Find out more and enquire


Beth sy’n digwydd gyda Rhannu Cartref yng Nghymru?

Rydw i wedi bod wrth fy ngwaith fel Swyddog Datblygu Rhannu Cartref Cymru ers ychydig dros ddeufis ac rydw i wrth fy modd o gael y cyfle i ddod â’r rhaglen ragorol hon i Gymru. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi’n hariannu am dair blynedd i ddatblygu tair rhaglen beilot Rhannu Cartref ledled Cymru, sy’n gyffrous dros ben.

Rydym ni’n gwneud gwaith dichonoldeb o hyd law yn llaw â chodi ymwybyddiaeth o Rannu Cartref ymhlith unigolion a sefydliadau. Rydym ni wedi cael ymateb gwych o’n harolygon Rhannu Cartref. Hyd yma, mae 97% o ymatebwyr wedi dweud y byddent yn cofrestru ar gyfer rhaglen Rhannu Cartref pe bai un yn eu hardal. Hefyd, er mai’r rhent is oedd yn cael ei ystyried fel prif fantais Rhannu Cartref, roedd gwneud ffrind newydd yn ail agos, ac mae hyn yn atgyfnerthu ffocws y model ar bontio’r cenedlaethau a pharodrwydd y genhedlaeth iau i feithrin cyfeillgarwch parhaol â phobl hŷn.

Mae’r ymateb gan sefydliadau sy’n gweithio gyda phobl hŷn wedi datgelu bod:

  • 100% o ymatebwyr wedi dweud eu bod wedi dod ar draws pobl hŷn yn byw ar eu pen eu hunain gydag anghenion cymorth lefel isel
  • 100% yn cytuno bod y galw am wasanaethau cymorth lefel isel ar gyfer pobl hŷn wedi cynyddu yn y 5 mlynedd diwethaf
  • 57% yn dweud ei fod wedi cynyddu’n sylweddol
  • 100% yn dweud hefyd fod tystiolaeth bod pobl hŷn sy’n byw ar eu pen eu hunain yn eu hardaloedd gwaith yn teimlo’n fwyfwy ynysig.

Rydym ni wedi bod yn cyfarfod gyda sefydliadau a chynnal cyflwyniadau er mwyn codi ymwybyddiaeth o Rhannu Cartref. Er nad ydym ni wedi cadarnhau eto union leoliadau’r tair rhaglen beilot, rydym ni wedi cynnal cyfarfodydd positif dros ben gyda llawer o sefydliadau sy’n dangos diddordeb mewn cynnal rhaglenni Rhannu Cartref. Yn amlwg, mae’n ddyddiau cynnar iawn, gyda llawer i’w ystyried ond mae’r ymateb wedi bod yn galonogol iawn gyda phobl yn croesawu’r model a’i ymateb arloesol i bobl yn teimlo’n ynysig a fforddiadwyedd llety.

Rydym ni hefyd wedi bod yn weithgar ar y cyfryngau cymdeithasol a rhoi cyhoeddusrwydd i’r rhaglen ynghyd ag arolygon. Gallwch weld ein taflenni Rhannu Cartref Cymru yma Cymraeg Saesneg.

Os nad ydych chi wedi cwblhau un o’n harolygon ond am wneud, dilynwch y dolenni canlynol:

Arolwg Deiliad Tŷ/Person Hŷn

Arolwg sefydliadol

Cysylltwch os ydych chi am gael clywed mwy am Rhannu Cartref a’i ddatblygiad yng Nghymru.

Tim Crahart            07867 452 159


What’s Happening with Homeshare in Wales?

I am just over two months into my Homeshare Wales Development Officer role and I am absolutely loving the opportunity to bring this fantastic program into Wales. The Welsh Government has funded us for three years to develop three Homeshare pilots throughout Wales, which is incredibly exciting.

We are still conducting feasibility work alongside raising awareness of Homeshare with individuals and organisations. We have had a fantastic response from our Homesharer surveys. So far 97% of respondents said they would sign up to a Homeshare programme if there was one in their area. Also, whilst having reduced rent was seen as the top benefit of Homeshare, it was very closely followed by maybe making a new friend, which reinforces the intergenerational approach of the model and the willingness of the younger generation to make lasting friendships with older people.

The response from organisations working with older people has revealed that:

  • 100% of respondents said that they encounter older people living alone who have low level support needs
  • 100% agreed that the demand for low-level support services for older people grown in the last 5 years
  • 57% said that it has increased significantly
  • 100% also said that there was evidence of growing isolation among older people living on their own in their areas of work.

We have been meeting with organisations and delivering presentations in order to raise awareness of Homeshare. Whilst we have not yet confirmed where the three pilots will be, we have had some very positive meetings with several organisations showing interest in delivering Homeshare programs. Of course, it’s very early days, with much to be explored but the response has been very encouraging with people grasping the model and its innovative response to isolation and the affordability of accommodation.

We have also been taking to social media and publicising the program as well as the surveys. You can access our new Homeshare Wales leaflets here English Cwmraeg

If you haven’t completed one of our surveys and would like to then please follow these links:

Householder/Older person survey

Organisational survey

Please get in touch if you would like to hear more about Homeshare and its development in Wales.

Tim Crahart            07867 452 159


Rydym ni’n dod â Rhannu Cartref i Gymru!

Yn dilyn ein newyddion yn yr wythnosau diwethaf am ddatblygu Rhannu Cartref yn yr Alban, rydym ni’n falch iawn o gyhoeddi ein bod yn bwriadu dod â Rhannu Cartref i Gymru hefyd, diolch i gyllid gan Lywodraeth Cymru!

Mae Rhannu Cartref yn cyfoethogi bywydau y Deiliad Tŷ a’r Rhannwr Tŷ, gan feithrin cysylltiadau ar draws y cenedlaethau a chysylltu pobl â’u cymunedau lleol. Mae’n fodel cymorth a Thai sy’n dod yn fwyfwy poblogaidd yng ngweddill y DU.

Bydd cael darpariaeth leol ymroddedig yn sicrhau bod Rhannu Cartref ar gael i gynifer o bobl ledled y DU ac rydym ni’n croesawu’r gefnogaeth gan Lywodraeth Cymru wrth gydnabod y manteision y gallai Rhannu Cartref eu cynnig i bobl o bob cenhedlaeth yng Nghymru.

Erbyn mis Mawrth 2024, ein nod yw sefydlu’r tair rhaglen beilot Rhannu Cartref ledled y wlad, gan alluogi pobl hŷn i aros yn eu cartrefi eu hunain am hirach, a galluogi pobl iau i gael llety o ansawdd da, a lleihau faint o bobl sy’n teimlo’n ynysig ac yn unig drwy ddod â phobl sydd am rannu eu bywydau a chartrefi at ei gilydd.

Gan weithio gyda Llywodraeth Cymru a gyda’r Polisi Cysylltu Cymunedau yn sail i’r gwaith, bydd ein Swyddog Datblygu Rhannu Cartref ymroddedig yn:


  • Gweithio gyda grwpiau o bobl hŷn ac iau a phartneriaid o’r sector Gwirfoddol a Chymunedol i ddatblygu astudiaethau dichonoldeb a nodi safleoedd peilot yng Nghymru.
  • Cefnogi’r gwaith o sefydlu a datblygu tair rhaglen beilot.
  • Creu cymuned Rhannu Cartref sy’n ffynnu ledled y wlad.

Os ydych chi am gael clywed mwy am ein cynlluniau datblygu ar gyfer Cymru, cysylltwch â: Kathryn Morgan, Rheolwr Datblygu Rhannu Cartref a Chysylltu Bywydau Cymru ar 07867 452 158 neu

We are bringing Homeshare to Wales!

Following on from our recent news about developing Homeshare in Scotland, we are thrilled to announce that, funded by the Welsh government over the next three years we plan to bring Homeshare to Wales too!

Homeshare enriches the lives of both the Householder and the Homesharer, building links across generations and connecting people with their local communities. It’s a model of support and Housing that is growing in popularity in the rest of the UK.

Having a dedicated local provision will make Homeshare available to so many more people across the UK and we welcome  the support from the Welsh government in recognising the benefits that Homeshare could bring to people across generations in Wales.

By March 2024 we aim to establish three Homeshare pilot programmes across the country, enabling older people to stay in their own homes for longer, allowing younger people to have access to good quality accommodation, and reduce isolation and loneliness by bringing together people who want to share their lives and homes.

Working with the Welsh Government and underpinned by the Connected Communities Policy our dedicated Homeshare Development Officer will:


  • Work with groups of older and young people and partners from the Voluntary and Community sector to develop feasibility studies and identify pilot sites in Wales.
  • Support the set up and development of three pilot programmes.
  • Create a thriving Homeshare community across the country.


If you would like to hear more about our development plans for Wales, please contact:

Kathryn Morgan, Wales Homeshare and Shared Lives Development Manager on 07867 452 158 or