I am just over two months into my Homeshare Wales Development Officer role and I am absolutely loving the opportunity to bring this fantastic program into Wales. The Welsh Government has funded us for three years to develop three Homeshare pilots throughout Wales, which is incredibly exciting.

We are still conducting feasibility work alongside raising awareness of Homeshare with individuals and organisations. We have had a fantastic response from our Homesharer surveys. So far 97% of respondents said they would sign up to a Homeshare programme if there was one in their area. Also, whilst having reduced rent was seen as the top benefit of Homeshare, it was very closely followed by maybe making a new friend, which reinforces the intergenerational approach of the model and the willingness of the younger generation to make lasting friendships with older people.

The response from organisations working with older people has revealed that:

  • 100% of respondents said that they encounter older people living alone who have low level support needs
  • 100% agreed that the demand for low-level support services for older people grown in the last 5 years
  • 57% said that it has increased significantly
  • 100% also said that there was evidence of growing isolation among older people living on their own in their areas of work.

We have been meeting with organisations and delivering presentations in order to raise awareness of Homeshare. Whilst we have not yet confirmed where the three pilots will be, we have had some very positive meetings with several organisations showing interest in delivering Homeshare programs. Of course, it’s very early days, with much to be explored but the response has been very encouraging with people grasping the model and its innovative response to isolation and the affordability of accommodation.

We have also been taking to social media and publicising the program as well as the surveys. You can access our new Homeshare Wales leaflets here English Cwmraeg

If you haven’t completed one of our surveys and would like to then please follow these links:

Householder/Older person survey https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/29M5JYG

Organisational survey https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/WalesOrgSurvey

Please get in touch if you would like to hear more about Homeshare and its development in Wales.

Tim Crahart

tim@sharedlivesplus.org.uk            07867 452 159