If you are interested in Homesharing, find a local Homeshare provider and make enquiries.
If you are press or media and would like to discuss Homesharing please contact Homeshare at contact@homeshareuk.org
Florence and Alex
Florence is 95, she’s partially sighted, an RAF veteran and used to be a keen tennis player. She has a 27-year old homesharer, Alex.
“I wanted it because I was lonely – and I think we all need companionship.” – Florence.
Sylvia and Olivia
Homeshare Living match Sylvia and Olivia discuss their benefits of Homesharing. Olivia provides 10 hours of practical support each week in return for sharing Sylvia’s home and they both benefit from the companionship.
“The older generation can teach us as much as we can teach them, and Homesharing is a great opportunity for that.”- Olivia.
BBC Radio Gloucestershire Ann & Sophie
Ann and Sophie
Homeshare Gloucestershire and their Homeshare match Ann and Sophie feature on BBC Radio Gloucestershire.
Householder Ann always had a dog throughout her life, but once her husband passed away, she was not able to look after one alone. Luckily a suitable match was found – Sophie – who owns a dog named Prince.
Listen to learn more about the Homeshare matching process.

Sheila’s unrelated multi-generation household
Sheila lives in Cheltenham and Shares her home with Emma and her two grown up daughters and her dog Tilly. They all look out for Sheila and have been able to relocate and settle in Cheltenham from Spain as a family because of Homeshare. They were matched by Homeshare Gloucestershire
Emma’s experience as a homesharer
Emma, who features in the above story is a Homeshare Ambassador and recently spoke at the Shared Lives Plus conference about her Homeshare experience and how it enabled her and her family to relocate back to the United Kingdom from Spain.
Listen to the youtube clip of her speech introduced by Alex Fox, CEO of Shared Lives Plus.
Cecil and Rebekah
“Since my wife died I was alone most of the day. It is good to have someone to chat to; an adult to gossip with!”
ITV regional news made a series on how communities are coming together to help some of the most vulnerable people in our society.
Social affairs correspondent Christine Alsford went to Kent to meet with Householder Cecil Humphery-Smith, aged 90, his Homesharer Rebekah Tate and Rebecca Odelowo of Lightshare Homeshare.

Alan and Ezra
A Homeshare Oxford match brings together Ezra, working in research at the Physics Department of Oxford University and Alan, a retired University librarian.

Margaret and Holly
Holly is Margaret’s second Homesharer with Leeds Homeshare. Holly who is 21 and studying music at the Arts University. Margaret loves music too and after her first sharer Jon, left when he graduated she was keen to continue having company at home.