last updated on 15 August 2023
Two Homeshare providers in Wales, in Swansea and Gwynedd, offer people the opportunity to live sociably and affordably, whatever their age. If you know someone who might benefit from a Homeshare, or want to find out more, get in touch...
last updated on 24 October 2022
Fullwidth Slider with class mask-semi-circle-logo-arch mask-line cream and individual Slide with any background mask on slide(Fullwidth slider settings -> Advanced -> CSS ID & Classes -> CSS Class)(Fullwidth slider settings -> Individual slide settings -> Content -> Background -> CSS...
last updated on 19 March 2024
Beyond the membership Expanding on our Homeshare UK network membership we can also provide strategic advice and support to our network members as well as councils and NHS commissioners that are interested in funding a Homeshare service in their local...
last updated on 07 October 2016
Frequently asked questions What is Homeshare? What is Shared Lives Plus? How does homesharing work? How do I become a householder? What about personal care? How do I become a homesharer? What would I do as a homesharer? How much...
last updated on 06 June 2023
Live sociably and affordably Are you looking for affordable accommodation? Homeshare is a great way to find high-quality affordable accommodation and help build better communities. Homeshare organisations match people who need accommodation (homesharer) with people who have a spare room...