last updated on 24 October 2022
Fullwidth Slider with class mask-semi-circle-logo-arch mask-line cream and individual Slide with any background mask on slide(Fullwidth slider settings -> Advanced -> CSS ID & Classes -> CSS Class)(Fullwidth slider settings -> Individual slide settings -> Content -> Background -> CSS...
last updated on 21 November 2022
Homeshare coming to North Wales
last updated on 18 November 2022
Rydw i wedi bod wrth fy ngwaith fel Swyddog Datblygu Rhannu Cartref Cymru ers ychydig dros ddeufis ac rydw i wrth fy modd o gael y cyfle i ddod â’r rhaglen ragorol hon i Gymru. Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi’n hariannu am dair blynedd i ddatblygu tair rhaglen beilot Rhannu Cartref ledled Cymru, sy’n gyffrous dros
last updated on 21 November 2022
Homeshare coming to North Wales
last updated on 27 October 2022
Members of Homeshare UK are raising awareness this week of how they can support their local community by safely matching older people living alone with those seeking affordable accommodation. The news comes as the true scale of loneliness for all ages in the UK is becoming understood. 4 million older people in the UK are