Homeshare Leeds recently hosted an online event to celebrate Homeshare Week, running from October 6th to 12th. Emma Harris, the Homeshare Coordinator for Leeds, kicked off the celebration by warmly welcoming attendees and highlighting how homesharing improves lives, strengthens communities, and addresses housing and support.

Emma provided insights into how homesharing works. She emphasised the need for potential sharers to get to know each other before moving in and explained that initial meetings and shared meals help build trust. “You can’t rush this process,” she advised, stressing that a solid foundation is key to successful homesharing.

While acknowledging that challenges can arise in any living arrangement, Emma reassured attendees that open communication and flexibility are essential for navigating issues. “Every situation is unique, and it’s important to adapt to each other’s needs,” she said.

The event featured engaging speakers, including Anne-Marie Bagnall, Professor of Health and Wellbeing Evidence and Director of the Centre for Health Promotion Research at Leeds Beckett University, and freelance writer, author, and former homesharer Ben Aitken.

Ben shared how homesharing significantly impacted his life, helping him concentrate on his writing while providing much-needed companionship. “Living with a homeshare partner allowed me to focus on my writing without feeling isolated,” he explained. He stressed the importance of matching personalities and lifestyles for a successful living situation. Ben also pointed out the financial benefits of homesharing, explaining that sharing expenses allows people to allocate more resources to personal projects and interests.

Anne-Marie highlighted how Homeshare creates valuable intergenerational connections, offering companionship and mutual support to both older homeowners and younger homesharers. She emphasised that the programme helps reduce loneliness across generations, with both parties benefiting from emotional support, shared activities, and a sense of belonging. Homeshare’s success, she explained, lies in fostering these reciprocal relationships and breaking down stereotypes about aging.

The event encouraged attendees to ask questions about homesharing, creating a warm and welcoming atmosphere that reinforced the sense of community this programme fosters—not just between homeowners and sharers, but among all its supporters.

Read Ben’s recent article on homesharing for the Daily Telegraph on our website: