Research published today by Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales and the Big Lottery Fund reveals the positive impact of intergenerational homesharing on reducing loneliness and isolation, improving wellbeing and providing affordable housing.

Affordable Living for the Aging (an American organisation) produced this exploration of; best practice in, challenges to and recommendations for scaling different models of shared housing in 2012.

First Stop Advice's guide to "Helping Older People Choose the Right Home for Them" (Jan 2012) including information about Homeshare and its savings for individuals and the State (as demonstrated by Crossroads Care Central & North London Homeshare).

Living with dementia can sometimes make living at home impossible but not in Shirley's case! Shirley offered her spare room to a Homesharer who gives 10 hours a week of help with chores in return for affordable accommodation.

Jill was looking for an overnight presence in the home and some help with housework. Maria wanted to improve her English and have an authentic English experience. Homeshare proved the perfect solution for both their needs.