Channel 4’s new series, Lodgers for Codgers, is their own take on a solution that has been around for centuries: inter-generational shared living. Today, Homeshare offers people of all ages the chance to enjoy living together safely through a thorough matching and support process.

Read our statement below to get our thoughts on the show and wider implications of shared living during Covid-19.

Experience the real lodgers with Homeshare UK

“As the charity for Homeshare globally, we know that mixing generations and matching people who want different types of support, leads to safe and happy lives with each person gaining new perspectives, well-being, resilience, and in turn, building stronger communities.

“We’re looking forward to watching Channel 4’s six part series on this topic, but the attention-grabbing, ageist title of Lodgers for Codgers, underlines the disrespect that has permeated our public language and public services, both towards younger millennials and older people – most recently demonstrated in the shocking NHS mandate to care homes during Covid to give blanket ‘do not resuscitate orders’ to all their residents.

“Homeshare UK providers make real matches based on mutual respect, shared interests and the matches last as long as people want – they’re not a TV experiment.

“During Covid-19, Homeshare providers have seen a significant increase of interest from older and younger people wanting peace of mind about their living situations. Homeshare offers them the opportunity to live together safely, supported by quality assured Homeshare UK members.

“While we do not agree with the title, its heart-warming stories highlight that there are services in place that can help resolve loneliness, tackle the housing crisis and enable young and old people to enjoy living together.”

Alex Fox OBE, Shared Lives Plus CEO