Our programme in Cambridge is run by a Social Worker who is a champion of promoting independence and staying in your home for as long as you want, and can signpost to further services if required. Our matches are all about getting the right people for each match and supporting these matches to thrive. We also offer additional visits where extra companionship is required.
Key contacts

Where to find us
Lawrance Lea
CB22 7QR

About Homeshare
Homeshare helps people to stay independent in the places they love to live and builds community connections. It is a mutually beneficial arrangement with both people having something they need and something to give.
Homeshare brings two people together to share a home; typically, someone who needs help to live independently in their own home (a householder) is matched with someone who has a housing need (a homesharer). In return for affordable accommodation, the homesharer provides around ten hours of support per week to the householder.