Shared Lives Plus is the new home of Homeshare International and we are working in partnership to bring Homeshare professionals around the world together.
Homeshare International supports a network of professionals worldwide who run homeshare programmes. Its aims are to encourage learning and good practice, foster new programmes and understand the impact of homesharing. They also raise awareness of what Homeshare can offer as a solution to many of society’s needs.
There are now programmes in 16 countries from Canada to Korea, Austria to Australia. These programmes typically match older householders with young homesharers. Homesharing builds relationships, often between two generations, recognising that people who take part have needs and something to give.
You can get more information about Homeshare Internatonal at their website
Read below for more information about the partnership between Homeshare International and Shared Lives Plus.
Shared Lives Plus to continue and develop work started by Homeshare International