Our CEO Ewan King is featured in this month’s Care Talk magazine asking if Homeshare could be the solution to loneliness.

“Independent studies show that Homeshare has the potential to reduce social isolation, demand for health and social care, and reduce waiting lists for social housing. But it’s the real-life changing stories that bring the model to life.”

“Simon turned to Leeds Homeshare as he hoped to make use of the additional space in the home while also wanting practical help with dishwashing, gardening, and housework. Simon is an avid cyclist and allotmenteer, but finds Parkinson’s causes fatigue at unpredictable times – knowing a homesharer would be around to help him offered some peace of mind. The scheme matched him with Isabel who provides around 10 hours help and company in the home.”

“In difficult times when loneliness blights many lives, Homeshare should become a widely available option for people who need some company and a bit of support.”


You can read the whole article, and the rest of the issue on the Care Talk website, or download a pdf of Issue 134 of Care Talk.