I want to thank each Homeshare organisation for the incredible work they are doing supporting people who want to stay in matches during this incredibly difficult time. Coronavirus has stretched us all to respond in ways that we never imagined and our members are at the forefront, supporting people who are among the most vulnerable to its impact. We are here for them providing  the information and support that they and their matches need.

All our member organisations are doing invaluable work, supporting the generous, common sense approach to practical problems that is Homeshare. While the practical challenges of living with someone for the duration of lockdown is understandably weighing heavily on some sharers and householders, people are seeing the benefit of consistent company when families and friends aren’t close by to help.

During the Covid-19 lockdown, sharers are hidden heroes, supporting householders at a time when social connection is even rarer than usual. Norman and Jorge’s podcast in The Times last week  – and other stories like it – fill listeners with hope and show that a different more supportive way of life is possible. The support and companionship are invaluable and are making such a difference now when they are needed more than ever.

We know this is putting practical as well as operational pressures on our Homeshare Organisations where matches have ended or not taken place as planned, we want to offer all the support that we can and we will help to sift through the vast amount of information to get the opportunities that are most effective for our sector. We are looking out for policy changes that affect Homeshare and continue to work at the most senior levels to ensure that Homeshare is part of the picture in the future.

Thank you for keeping going. We are doing everything we can to try to help with the issues you are telling us about. Our absolute priority is that you are keeping safe and well, so please continue to reach out to us, Debs and Alice and those around you in the community when you need help.

With all best wishes,

Alex Fox,


Homeshare UK and Shared Lives Plus